Student Code of Conduct – Rights and responsibilities

2.2 – Student Rights

  • 2.2.1 – All students of the ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵcommunity have the right to live their lives, to study, to learn and to work without unreasonable interference, disruption, or upset caused by the actions of another person.
  • 2.2.2 – All ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵstudents have the right to be treated in a manner which is respectful, honest, and free from discrimination or harassment on protected grounds.
  • 2.2.3 – In common with all other individuals in Ontario, students enjoy rights under both the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That enjoyment is subject to such limits contained therein. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out therein, but such rights are subject to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Such reasonable limits may include legal rights of property owners or rights of individuals to peaceful enjoyment of premises. The extent of a right or a freedom may reasonably vary with the circumstances so that an exercise of a right which may be appropriate in a public place may not be appropriate in an educational institution.
  • 2.2.4 – Students have a right to have college rules and regulations, and in particular this Code, adhered to by all students. Students have a right to expect all other members of the College community to meet the standard of acceptable behaviour outlined in this Code. In addition, students may question, seek, review, or require an explanation of college regulations without fear of repercussion.
  • 2.2.5 – Students shall have certain procedural rights as set out herein. The procedural rights include giving the student an opportunity to respond to the allegations against her/him and the right to appeal.

2.3 – Responsibilities

2.3.1 – Students

All students have a responsibility to be aware of policies and codes that guide expectations of conduct in the various environments where students engage in college-related activity. It is expected that community members will treat each other with mutual respect and in a way that does not adversely affect the rights of others. Where this expectation is violated and not resolvable informally, formal processes will be engaged. Students will be held accountable for the behaviour of their guests under this Code. Specifically students are responsible for:

  • ensuring that their conduct aligns with this Code
  • not jeopardizing the good order and proper functioning of the college’s programs, activities and services or the interests and/or objectives of the college
  • not endangering the health, safety, rights, or property of the college or college community members

Breach of these responsibilities may result in disciplinary sanctions.

Students are required to attend all meetings scheduled by college officials in the application of this Code. If the student does not attend scheduled meetings nor submit a written response after having been given a reasonable opportunity to do so, the Code will be administered without such a response or meeting. Students may also be placed on Investigative Suspension, prohibiting them from attending class or other college activities until such time that they attend a scheduled meeting. See Investigative Suspension Order, section 2.6.

College employees have a responsibility to report breaches of this Code and to inform students of their rights and responsibilities, as well as their right to appeal decisions governed by this Code.

2.3.2 Vice President, Student Success and Corporate Services

The Vice President is responsible for oversight of the Student Code of Conduct including:

  • communication of findings in formal procedures
  • ensuring the provision of education and awareness to students and college community
  • preparation of reports as required for the college community
  • liaison with students and staff regarding student behavioural issues
  • oversight of affiliated procedures e.g. Appeals, Complaints, including determination of the right to appeal and appointing a Chair of Appeal Panel

2.3.3 Deans and Associate Deans

The Deans and Associate Deans are responsible for:

  • ensuring orderly and safe operation of activities within areas of responsibility through informal resolution and management of minor complaints and behaviours
  • acting immediately on observations or allegations of breaches of this Code
  • reporting any Code violations to Campus Safety Services, as appropriate
  • recommending sanctions in consultation with the Registrar, Dean of Students and/or Director of Campus Safety Services, as appropriate
    Administering sanctions of a minor nature (e.g. warnings, reduction in privileges), and consulting with Dean of Students , Registrar and/or Director of Campus Safety Services as appropriate for Code violations

2.3.4 Dean of Students

The Dean of Students is responsible for:

  • advising on sanctions in consultation with Associate Dean or Dean, Registrar and Director of Campus Safety Services
  • convening the Student of Concern Committee, when appropriate, to advise on sanctions
  • informing students of their right to appeal and their right to appropriate supports to assist with appeal process
  • providing education and awareness to students on the Code and affiliated procedures e.g. Appeals, Complaints
  • liaising with students and staff regarding student behavioural issues
  • co-ordination and scheduling of participants for conduct hearings and appeals

2.3.5 The Registrar

The Registrar is responsible for:

  • application and communication of sanctions that require suspension notice or change in academic status
  • maintenance of student records, including formal record of sanctions as reported by Director of Campus Safety Services
  • consulting with Deans, Associate Deans, Dean of Students or Director of Campus Safety Services, as appropriate, to determine student sanctions and conditions for suspension and return to study
  • recommending lesser sanctions where appropriate e.g. if a recommended sanction is inconsistent with college-wide practice

2.3.6 Director of Campus Safety Services

Director of Campus Safety Services is responsible for:

  • receipt and processing of conduct complaints, including complaints that may affect the rights, safety and security of other members of the college community
  • the management of violations and issuance of violation notices
  • assistance with resolving immediate misconduct issues
  • investigation of all violations
  • management of student violation reports and non-academic incident reports
  • preparing conduct reports
  • assistance with the enforcement of sanctions
  • management of all imminent threat or dangerous conduct
  • preparing an annual report of conduct incidents to be presented to College Council and to the ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Students’ Association
  • management of the complaints process based on the grounds of discrimination, as outlined in Georgian’s Human Rights Policy, and the Ontario Human Rights Code

2.3.7 Department Administrators

Administrators are responsible for:

  • being familiar with this Code and to ensure employees are informed about its existence
  • acting immediately on observations or allegations of breaches of this Code
  • ensuring orderly and safe operation of activities within areas of responsibility through informal resolution and management of minor complaints and behaviours
  • reporting any Code violations to the Office of Campus Safety Services, as appropriate
  • administering sanctions of a minor nature (e.g. warnings, reduction in privileges), and consulting with the Dean of Students , Registrar and/or Director of Safety and Security as appropriate for Code violations

2.3.8 Campus Principals or Managers

In addition to those responsibilities outlined above for administrators, at campus sites where a campus manager or Campus Principal role exists, at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety Services, these managers may be delegated some of the responsibilities of the Safety and Security office in this procedure such as:

  • assigning minor violation notices
  • assisting with investigation of violations, and
  • assisting with enforcement of sanctions
  • referring issues to the Director of Campus Safety Services, as appropriate, or to the academic Dean or the Dean of Students

2.3.9 Employees

Employees and others responsible for directing the activities of students are responsible for:

  • being familiar with this Code and its procedures and to inform students about its existence
  • acting immediately on observations or allegations of breaches of this Code
  • ensuring orderly and safe operation of activities within areas of responsibility through informal resolution and management of minor complaints and behaviours
  • reporting any Code violations to an administrator in area of responsibility

2.3.10 Community Members

Community members on campus or engaging in college activity are responsible for:

  • reporting incidents of apparent violations of this procedure to a college official
  • co-operating in the investigation, and/or resolution of complaints pursuant to this Code

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Contact information

Dean of Students

  • 705.728.1968, ext. 1400

Campus Safety Services

  • Urgent: 705.728.1968, ext. 5100
  • Non-urgent: 705.722.5100 or ext. 6111

Student Services

  • Barrie: 705.722.1523
  • Midland: 705.526.3666
  • Muskoka: 705.646.7629
  • Orangeville: 519.940.0331
  • Orillia: 705.325.2740, ext. 3113 or 705.329.3113
  • Owen Sound: 519.376.0840, ext. 2099
  • South ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵBay: 705.445.2961