ݮƵreceives $2 million in NSERC grant funding to deepen collaboration with regional manufacturers

ݮƵ will further support the needs of regional manufacturers thanks to a $2,000,000 BUILD Innovation Enhancement (BUILD IE) grant from the ’s (NSERC) College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program.

The announcement was made today at the Barrie Campus by The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport.

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport stands at podium and makes announcement

The funds, to be disbursed over five years, will be used toward Georgian’s Competitive Smart Manufacturing (CSM) program – a growing part of research and innovation at the college.

“Georgian’s CSM program supports regional manufacturers with the implementation of advanced technologies and information strategies that ultimately improve traditional approaches to manufacturing and boost competitiveness,” says Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes, President and CEO of ݮƵ. “Our program has grown steadily over the past two years. With this NSERC funding, ݮƵis well positioned to double its CSM activity within five years.”

The CSM program operates out of the Alectra Centre for Research, Innovation and Commercialization (C-RIC), located within Georgian’s Peter B. Moore Advanced Technology Centre.

The college recently invested funds, contributed by individual donors and local industry partners, to equip the C-RIC with most of the Industry 4.0 infrastructure required by the CSM program to operate. Additional required equipment – including a virtual reality system, 3D scanner and printer, and fabrication machinery – will be purchased with the BUILD IE funds and research projects will focus on the development of smart products and production systems, Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, automation and robotics.

“ݮƵwill leverage the $2 million from NSERC and funding from partners to invest $6 million over five years toward Competitive Smart Manufacturing collaborative research activities with small to medium-sized companies,” says Dr. West-Moynes. “It is this competitiveness that ensures good jobs and attracts new opportunities to stay and grow in our community.”

The funding will also make training industry, students and faculty on advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technologies a priority.

“The NSERC BUILD IE grant will allow new ways for ݮƵto contribute to the growing research and innovation cluster in Central Ontario, ultimately leading to a stronger region, province and country,” says Dr. Mira Ray, Director of Research and Innovation at Georgian. “This grant gives our researchers the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with local companies to advance their research and development objectives.”

Dr. Ray adds that this is an exciting time for Georgian’s students and researchers.

“New technology, increased connectivity, and access to data are changing the way products are developed and made,” she says. “Through Georgian’s CSM program, we have already helped companies make decisions regarding large infrastructure equipment investments, integrate Industry 4.0 practices into their operations, and look at their data with new, critical perspectives.”

The funds ݮƵreceived were part of an announcement by Minister Duncan of $57 million awarded to 77 recipients through the College and Community Innovation (CCI) program, one of the largest vehicles for funding research at colleges, polytechnics and CÉGEPs across the country. The CCI program develops highly skilled people, builds research knowledge and provides opportunities to share this expertise with local businesses, particularly small- and medium-sized companies, to improve processes and technologies.

Platform party on stage in ABSC Event space, standing beside Dimensions charter
From left to right: Zvi Lifshiz, Executive Director, Invest Barrie; Don Gordon, Chair, ݮƵ Board of Governors; Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes, President and CEO, ݮƵ; The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport; Dr. Mira Ray, Director of Research and Innovation, ݮƵ; Dr. Marc Fortin, Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President, Research Partnerships, NSERC; Warden George Cornell, County of Simcoe; Janice Skot, President and CEO, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre; and Kevin Weaver, Vice President, Academic, ݮƵ.
Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes and The Honorable Kirsty Duncan stand on either side of the NSERC dimensions charter
Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes and The Honorable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport

News release (.pdf): Government of Canada announces historic investments in research collaborations between colleges and entrepreneurs

Funding will support enhanced research partnerships

Our research activity will engage more than 50 industry partners and provide relevant experiential learning opportunities for more than 450 students in applied research activities.

Group standing beside Dimensions charter
Participating in the charter signing were (from left to right) Bill Angelakos, Dean, Technology and Visual Arts; Dr. Marc Fortin, Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President, Research Partnerships, NSERC; Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes, President and CEO, ݮƵ; The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport; Dr. Mira Ray, Director of Research and Innovation, ݮƵ; and Kevin Weaver, Vice President, Academic, ݮƵ.

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