A group of college students sitting at rows of desks in a classroom setting

Degree breadth courses

Enrich your degree with breadth

Breadth courses at ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵprovide students in degree programs with an extension of skills beyond vocational studies. These courses focus on inquiry and reasoning, insights into historic and contemporary culture and society, and academic research and writing.

About degree breadth

Depending on your program of study, you’ll be required to take both lower (1000 and 2000 level) and upper (3000 and 4000 level) breadth courses.

Consult your program outline or use MyPath to ensure you’re taking the adequate number of appropriate courses.

Divisions of breadth courses

The four divisions of breadth courses include:

  1. Humanities. These courses include literature, film, art, religion, philosophy, history and foreign languages, and are based in the renaissance era humanist perspectives on fostering critical thinking, culture, writing and creativity. They’ll have a course code beginning with HUMA.
  2. Social sciences. These courses include sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, economics, and are focused upon human interaction within society. They’ll have a course code typically beginning with SOSC but may sometimes be more specific to the social sciences discipline (e.g., SOCI is in the field of sociology and PSYC is in the field of psychology).
  3. Physical sciences. These courses include math, statistics, computation/information, and earth and life sciences, and are based on scientific thought, experimentation and rationale. They’ll have a course code beginning with RSCH, STAS or, more commonly, SCEN.
  4. Interdisciplinary courses. These courses are based on the intersections of at least two of the above categories. Some courses will focus equally on human interaction in society (the social sciences) and art/culture (the humanities). Others may support an intersection of the social and physical sciences. They’ll have a course code beginning with INTS.

Breadth courses

Below is a list of some breadth courses offered at Georgian.

Note: Course availability may vary by semester and courses are subject to change. Please refer to the courses presented to you during registration.

First-year and second-year courses²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Chevron
  • Canadian Political Parties
  • Children’s Literature
  • Climate Change
  • Comparative Politics
  • Critical History of True Crime
  • Fiction and Poetry
  • Film Theory
  • Foundations of Human Sexuality
  • Gender and Ethics
  • Introduction to Humanities
  • Introduction to Political Science
  • Introduction to Psychology 1
  • Introduction to Psychology 2
  • Introduction to Sociology and Culture
  • Integrated Science
  • Major Religions
  • Modes of Communication
  • Multidisciplinary Research
  • Music History
  • Philosophy of Food
  • Philosophy of Intimacy
  • Philosophy of Evil
  • Plays and Movies
  • Understanding Art
  • US Foreign Policy
  • Women’s Studies: Foundations
  • Women’s Studies: Issues
Third-year courses²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Chevron
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Applied Sport Psychology
  • Contemporary History of Film/Culture
  • Media and Society
  • Philosophies of Happiness
  • Race and Reality
  • Rethinking Sex
  • Sexuality in the Digital Age
  • Social Media
  • Social Psychology
  • Special Topics: Art History
  • Special Topics: Literature
  • Studies in Popular Culture
Fourth-year courses²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Chevron
  • Conflict and Peace
  • Global Environmental Issues
  • Greed and Globalization
  • Interdisciplinary Critical Theory
  • Power and Knowledge
  • Propaganda, Politics and Conflict
  • Terrorism and Political Violence

Prior learning

If you have previous learning experience and want to have that experience assessed for credit, you have at least two options:

  1. You may be eligible for exemption based on a course you’ve taken at an accredited postsecondary institution by matching the learning outcomes with those of a ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ course. Final grades, credit hours and/or value will be taken into consideration.
  2. You may be eligible for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) if you can demonstrate that you’ve acquired equivalent learning through life, volunteer and/or work experience.

For more information about exemptions and PLAR, visit our Credit for Prior Learning webpage.

Contact us

Anita Arvast

Coordinator, Degree Breadth Courses

Email: Email Anita
Phone: 249.388.0560

Diane DeCunha

Program Assistant, Liberal Arts

Email: Email Diane
Phone: 249.388.0533